Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

Answers to the Most Common Questions

We encourage parents to bring teens to the testing facility even if they are old enough to drive themselves. Bringing your teen to the testing facility, allows for you to monitor your teen once they have notice of a test and helps prevent your teen from trying to cheat the test. ProTeen encourages you to use this time to check in with your teen.

The success of the this program requires parent support and involvement. To make the most of your investment, here are a few tips:

Communicate with your teen – Make sure they understand the reason you are providing this program is to equip them with tools when they are faced with peer-pressure. It is easier to say “No, I can’t do that because my parents have me drug tested”.

Complete a Parent Teen Contract – ProTeen has developed this tool for you and your teen to complete together. It is designed to open the line of communication between you and your teen. It lays out expectations for each of you, and also offers an incentive for participating and excelling in the ProTeen program.

Monitor your teen – As a subscriber of ProTeen, we will provide information on drug use trends for you to be aware of. This educations allows you to monitor your teen and others to identify if you have a reason to suspect substance abuse.

Address concerns you have with your teen – Keeping an open line of communication with your teen is so important. They need to know you are paying attention and willing to address these issues with them. Doing the right thing is not usually the most popular thing, this pertains to teens AND parents.

Download our Parent Teen Contract Form

Refer to your contract with your teen and follow through with the consequences you laid out in the Parent/Teen contract. Contact us at ProTeen for additional resources.

Download our Parent Teen Contract Form

Refusing to test is the same as testing positive and will be documented as such.

There are few situations that would be considered a refusal:

  • Failure to report for testing.
  • Failure to provide a sample.
  • Failure to cooperate with the testing process.
  • Having a result that is reported as substituted, adulterated, or not consistent with human urine.

If the testing agent has reason to suspect that the teen is trying to negate the testing process, the actions will be documented and the result will be marked as a refusal which is the same as testing positive.

For this program, we use the term Teen to identify any one in the age group from 10 to 24. We have seen this type of proactive testing be a useful tool from elementary school up through college.

Some prescription medication will show positive in our testing. If the Medical Review Officer (MRO) contacts you about a substance that there is proof of a valid prescription for that substance the MRO will release the result as a negative.

Our standard testing is for the following substances:

  • Cannabinoid (THC-Marijuana)
  • Cocaine
  • Opioids
  • PCP
  • Amphetamines (Methamphetamine)
  • Barbiturates
  • Benzodiazepines
  • Methadone

We will also include Nicotine, Alcohol, Synthetics, and other substances periodically depending on what is trending in the community.

If there are substances that you suspect, please contact us so we can make sure the right test is conducted to address your concerns.

Testing is conducted by trained professionals. Once a urine sample is collected from your teen, it is shipped to our lab and tested for the drug categories we ordered at the time of the collection. After the lab testing is complete, the findings are sent to a Medical Review Officer (MRO) for review. If there are any positive drug classes reported, the MRO will contact you directly to see if there is an explanation for the presence of the substance (ie. prescription medications).

Some parents may choose to observe their teen while they are providing a sample to make sure that their teen is not cheating the test. If you would prefer to observe a test, we recommend that parent and teen are of the same gender.

Teens can be very clever when it comes to cheating a drug test. There are many suggestions offered on line and from other peers. We encourage you to bring your teen to the testing facility and to be on the lookout for any suspicious behavior from your teen once they have been notified they are going for a test. We are trained professionals and have experience on what to look for, but we can use your help to make sure that your teen is not trying to cheat.

Teens should not be notified in advance of testing. We recommend bringing your teen to the testing facility even if they are able to drive. This will help prevent your teen from attempting to cheat the test. Teens can be given up to 20 oz. of water before they reach the testing facility. We do not recommend giving them more than that as it may cause a diluted sample.

Negative results usually are released with in 48 hours of testing. If the test is taking longer to release, it is possible that the Medical Review Officer (MRO) needs to confirm prescription medications or other substances that may be present in the sample directly with you.

Results are sent straight to the parent/legal guardian (whomever enrolled the teen in our program). Results will be sent in a password protected email once the test results are released from the Medical Review Officer (MRO).

If your subscription is canceled, any unused testing will be forfeited.

You will have 48 hours to schedule a test once you are notified. If you need more time, just give our office a call and we can extend the time frame.

Chemnet will notify you when your teen has been selected for testing by either text or email. You will have 48 hrs to schedule your teens test with the testing facility. You should NOT notify your teen that they have been selected until it is time to bring them to the testing facility. Teens can be pretty clever when it comes to cheating a test so please avoid giving them any time to prepare.

If your teen can provide a sample right away, testing is usually completed in about 15 minutes. If your teen is not able to provide a sample, we will provide water and wait for your teen to be ready. After 2 hours we will consider that your teen is refusing to test and the result will be documented as a refusal which is the same as testing positive. If you would like to give your teen some water to drink on the way to the testing center, that is fine but we only recommend 20 oz. be provided.

In most locations, all the required paperwork and supplies will be held at the collection site. If you are in an area where we need to send test supplies directly to you, we will coordinate the delivery of supplies and all you would need to do is take the supplies with you to the collection facility.

For Random Testing, we will notify you when it is time to bring your teen in for testing. If you would like to purchase additional testing due to suspicion, just call the Chemnet office and we will help coordinate additional testing.

Membership includes Random selection notification and professional drug testing. ProTeen members will also receive trending drug use information so they know what items to be on the look out for.


"It was nice to have a good reason to say No if I ever needed it. That’s why I stayed away from all that stuff because there was too much to lose."

Chad - 19 Years Old

"The ProTeen program helped us have conversations with our daughter about substance abuse and our expectations of her when it comes to peer pressure."

Shannon - Mother of a Teenager