Why Proteen

Why Proteen

Let’s face it – raising kids can be tough!

We're Here to Help!

In today’s culture of explosive media, limitless access to technology and electronic devices, and pressure from peers to experiment with drugs and alcohol, it can often feel as if a parent’s only option for guiding their teen through the tumultuous years is to grit their teeth and just try to survive. How can you be sure as a parent that you are giving your student as many resources as possible for staying away from decisions that can have lifelong consequences? ProTeen has created one solution that seeks to help parents and students navigate at least one hurdle – saying no to drugs and alcohol.

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Comprehensive Testing Solutions

What does ProTeen provide for parents or guardians?

Peace of Mind

ProTeen offers professional, lab-based drug screening for substances such as alcohol, marijuana, amphetamines/methamphetamine, cocaine, opioids, and other prescription medications; By scheduling random drug screens from a neutral third party, parents can potentially eliminate damaging trust with their child that could result from a “I’m dragging you in for a drug test because I think you’re doing something wrong!” approach. Instead, the ProTeen program coordinator notifies the parent(s) to bring the teen in for a urine test on a random selection process and releases the results of the test directly to the parent(s).


ProTeen stays in contact with parents, educating them on which drugs are trending in the community at the time. By staying informed about the harmful substances that could be offered to their teen, parents and guardians stay ahead of the trends and know signs of abuse to be watching for. Red streaked eyes and mumbled responses could be a sign of drug abuse, or it could be a sign of exhaustion in your teen. As a member of the ProTeen program, parents have a resource to help them figure out what’s up with their teen.

What does ProTeen provide for teens?

A good reason to say “No!”

Prior to enrolling in the program, both parent (or guardian) and teen agree to a “contract” in which individualized incentives are outlined for the teen as a result of continually testing negative to harmful substances. For example, a family might agree to pay for a monthly cell phone contract or provide gas money for the teen’s car if the student will agree to random drug screens guaranteeing that they are abstaining from abusing drugs and alcohol. This gives the teen not only the benefit of the incentive, but also an easy “out” when peer pressure is a factor. Instead of having to come up with a reason why they aren’t drinking or doing drugs if their peer group decides to, the teen can say, for example, “My parents have me enrolled in a random testing program, and if I test positive I will lose my car.”

What can I expect?

The point of ProTeen’s testing programs is not to catch teens using drugs, but to provide them with an incentive to stay away from using even once. Statistics show that most people who abuse drugs and alcohol start using during their teenage years, and if parents can take a proactive approach while their teen is still living under their roof, hopefully a lifetime cycle of addiction can be stopped before it even begins. If a family wishes to enroll in the ProTeen program, here’s what they can expect:

Families will choose from two low-cost subscription plans. The first plan includes three tests per year ordered on a random basis. The second plan is for parents who feel they need more testing throughout the year due to concerns about friend groups or evidence of drug abuse. This program guarantees 6 randomly scheduled tests per year. Additional tests can be ordered at a discounted rate with either plan.

Families will choose from two low-cost subscription plans. The first plan includes three tests per year ordered on a random basis. The second plan is for parents who feel they need more testing throughout the year due to concerns about friend groups or evidence of drug abuse. This program guarantees 6 randomly scheduled tests per year. Additional tests can be ordered at a discounted rate with either plan.

Families will choose from two low-cost subscription plans. The first plan includes three tests per year ordered on a random basis. The second plan is for parents who feel they need more testing throughout the year due to concerns about friend groups or evidence of drug abuse. This program guarantees 6 randomly scheduled tests per year. Additional tests can be ordered at a discounted rate with either plan.

No matter the results, ProTeen will work with the family to provide support and education.

If a parent enrolled in the program has a reason to suspect drug abuse before a test is scheduled, they can call at any time to request additional drug or alcohol testing at a discounted rate.

Frequently Asked Questions